
Nevada’s School Wellness Policy is one of the official policies that guide each Nevada school district in promoting students’ healthy lifestyles. The policy educates and promotes student participation in healthy eating, physical activity, and general wellness.  The Clark County School District (CCSD) Student Wellness Regulation 5157 complies with the Nevada Department of Agriculture guidelines as states in the Nevada School Wellness Policy, the Child Nutrition Program (CNP), and the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010.


Clark County School District is committed to providing an environment in which students can make healthy food choices and have the opportunities to be physically active.  In order to meet the needs of our students, CCSD has established three District Wellness Goals:

GOAL 1: Design and implement a plan that promotes making healthy food choices.

GOAL 2: Develop and implement a plan that provide the opportunity for all students to participate in daily 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity.

GOAL 3: Develop a school-based wellness committee (which will include at least one student representative and one parent representative) to identify and address specific needs.


All CCSD schools have an identified School Wellness Coordinator and are working towards meeting these District Wellness Goals.


To access CCSD’s Wellness Regulation, click on the link here:  Clark County School District Wellness Regulation 5157.


The Nevada State School Wellness Policy can be viewed by clicking here:  Nevada State School Wellness.


Stakeholders may access the Approved Snack and Beverage List here:  Approved Snack and Beverage List.​​​​​​​


The Smart Snack Guidelines can be viewed by accessing the following link:  Smart Snack Guidelines.


The National School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program Guidelines can be viewed by clicking here:  Nevada School Lunch Program and School Breakfast Program.


​​​​​​School Wellness Coordinator Toolkit

Elementary School Toolkit     Middle School Toolkit     High School Toolkit​​​​​​​


Director: Kris Carroll

Phone: (702) 799-2348

Fax: (702) 855-6179



May 8, 2025

12:30 p.m.–1:30 p.m.

For more information, contact: Kris Carroll