What is a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)?


MTSS is an evidence-based model of educating students that uses data and problem-solving to integrate academic, behavior, and social-emotional instruction and intervention to prepare students for success. 


Clark County School District Policy 6120

The Clark County School District requires that all schools, in collaboration with stakeholders, implement the districtwide framework for a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) to ensure all students receive equitable access to opportunities to promote each student’s academic achievement, social-emotional growth, and behavioral development.


MTSS is a framework that uses a collaborative, data-informed problem-solving process to ensure continuous school improvement by matching multiple tiers of instruction and intervention to meet the needs of every student. MTSS is grounded in high-quality, standards-based instruction that integrates academic, social-emotional, and behavioral learning. 

“When looking at trends over the last few years in student outcomes, results show that schools participating in Multi-Tiered Systems of Support — and particularly high-fidelity implementation sites — outperformed non-participating schools in most instances, including average daily attendance, chronic absenteeism, and disciplinary incidents related to violence, possession or use of substances and alcohol, and bullying” (Nevada’s Addendum to the State Plan for the Improvement of Pupils, 2022, p.15).


Resources are available to support academic, behavioral, social-emotional learning growth.


Academic Supports

Response to Intervention (RTI) Student learning is at the heart of the Response to Instruction (RTI) practice. RTI is a comprehensive framework that aligns with Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS) and allows for early identification and support for at-risk students academically or behaviorally. RTI must be thought of as a means of support in which all students have access to all of the necessary content and skills to be college and career ready. By addressing skill deficiencies that prevent independent mastery of core content knowledge, schools can better address the needs of students. RTI is a responsible and progressive effort to realign resources, personnel, service delivery models, and professional development activities under common and interconnected Clark County School District (CCSD) goals and initiatives to improve student outcomes. Our RTI team offers school-wide and individual professional development and support.


Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Supports

RethinkEd SEL Curriculum: Social Emotional Learning curriculum allows educators, staff and caregivers to access on-demand videos and learning resources to support their own mental health and emotional wellness as well as develop knowledge around SEL and Inclusion. Teachers and students can access RethinkEd at clever.ccsd.net


Behavior Supports

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) PBIS establishes a framework for assisting school teams in implementing evidence-based behavioral interventions into an integrated continuum that strengthens academic and social behavior outcomes for all students.




Director: Brandi March

Phone: (702) 799-5875